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The Master Plan

The Irvine City Master Plan is a vision for the development of parks, open space, streets, schools, commercial, industrial & residential. Over the decades, the city appears to have strayed from the balance of growth and quality of life. The city’s economic and population growth contributed to the increased traffic, crime, and deteriorated the quality of resident experience.

The city’s growth should support the needs of the changing demographics, be within our transportation infrastructure, policing capability, and schools. Development should not reduce our business/industry centers and resident experience for profit.

The Budget

The current Irvine City budget indicates an expected $10.5 million to $14 million shortfall over the next five-year period. If you read the city Manager's budget message, they blame COVID-19 for this shortfall. I believe it was the current leadership's response to the COVID-19 theater that resulted in the city's budget shortfall. He clearly identifies that expenditure growth was projected to outpace revenue growth. Which simply means they spent more than they earned. 

We need to stop reckless spending until revenue improves. Businesses and Industry are the base of the revenue source for the city. I will work to reopen business and industry sectors so they can help improve revenue.


Although Irvine has been ranked as one of safest cities by the FBI for over 18 years, public safety will always be priority. Crime can never be eliminated in any city, but the perception of a strong Police force will always deter vulture criminals. I will support all our police and emergency teams so they can provide adequate response times to members of the community during their greatest time of need.


All public schools should focus on reading, writing and arithmetic. Throw in the love of country and respect for all. Teachers should not be allowed to tell the student what to think but should show them how to think. Critical thinking skills will carry a student farther than any social engineering concepts. Parents have the right to know how and what is being taught to their children in school.

Committee to Elect Felipe Delgado 4 Irvine Mayor 2024
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